A list—from A to Z—of all the companies, brands Google’s Alphabet currently owns


Some people may still be confused as to what brands and companies are now under the control of Alphabet. Therefore, here are the ABCs of everything Alphabet Inc. currently owns:

  • A – Alphabet / Android / AdSense / Analytics / Ara / AdMob / Alerts
  • B – Blogger / Boston Dynamics / Books
  • C – Calico / Cardboard / Capital
  • D – Drive / DeepMind / Design / DoubleClick
  • E – Earth / Express
  • F – Fiber / Fi / Flights / FeedBurner / Firebase / Finance
  • G – Google / Gmail / Glass / Groups
  • H – Hangouts
  • I – Images / Ingress / Inbox / Invite Media
  • J – Jump
  • K – Keep
  • L – Life Sciences / Local / Loon
  • M – Maps / My Business / Makani
  • N – Nest / News / Nexus / Now
  • O – Offers
  • P – Plus / Play / Photos / Picasa / Pixate / Patents
  • Q – (Nexus) Q
  • R – Refine / reCaptcha
  • S – Search / Shopping / SageTV /Stackdriver / Skybox / Skia / Scholar
  • T – Translate / Tango
  • U – N/A
  • V – Voice / Ventures / VirusTotal / Video
  • W – Wallet / Wing
  • X – X Labs
  • Y – YouTube
  • Z – Project Z / Zagat


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